Job Seeker FAQ

Q: How do we cancel our paid subscription?

A: To cancel your paid subscription, you can click the "My Account" link under your username in the left column (when you are logged in).  If you are on a mobile device, the "My Account" link will be at the top of the screen. Then click "Recurring Fees",  then "Cancel".  You can also cancel by using the "unsubscribe" link in the "Subscription Level" section on the My Account page.

Once you unsubscribe you won't be billed again, but we cannot refund for any partial months. Your access will remain until your paid subscription runs out.

Two other notes about canceling:

First, email alerts are a separate service. You must cancel them separately. The easiest way is to simply click on the "unsubscribe" link included with every email job alert (at the very bottom). Otherwise you can also cancel on your My Account page.

Second, if you cancel your paid access and have a resume published, the resume will archive automatically and not be visible any longer.


Q: How do we update our credit card/billing information?

A: To update your billing information, first log in with your username and password. Then click the “My Account” link under your username in the left column. From there, in the “Subscription Level” section, you will click on the “change billing details” link. Enter your new billing info and remember to click the “Update” button at the bottom of the form.

If your paid subscription plan has already lapsed or you canceled it, instead of updating your billing info you would create a new paid access plan (because the old one no longer exists and cannot be updated/renewed). To do this, just click the Job-Seekers link at the top of the page and from the drop down menu choose "Join". Make your new selection from there.


Q: I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?

A: If you know you have forgotten the password, then just put in anything into the password field on the login screen. You will then see this error message: "Sorry, unrecognized username  or password. Click here to reset your password." Click on the link to receive an email with password reset instructions.


Q: We clicked on the "unsubscribe" link in an email alert but we are still getting billed?

A: Unsubscribing from one our our email alerts does not cancel your paid subscription access. These are two completely separate services. To cancel your paid subscription, you must follow the procedures as outlined above. If you successfully cancel your paid subscription you will receive an email confirmation stated that you will no longer be billed. 


Q: We were asked to pay/provide personal information before we have met the prospective employer in person. Should we be worried about this?

A: YES!! It is our strong recommendation that you don't provide any sensitive information or certainly DO NOT pay anything (for credit/background checks, etc) prior to actually doing your due diligence. We screen as much as we can, and although we rarely hear from our subscribers about these types of things on our site, it CAN happen if you are not careful. Legitimate employers do not operate in this fashion. Please be cautious until you have been able to ascertain the legitimacy of the employer.


Q: How protected is our contact information if we add our resume(s) to your online database?

A: Besides the site administrators and yourself, the only parties that can view your resume(s) in our online database are registered employers who are logged in AND they must also have a current active job listing on

We can't completely lock down your information (nobody would be able to see it and it would be useless of course) but we do our best to make sure only the people you want to see this information are able to. That being said, even though the chances of someone getting through this screening process is exceedingly small, we can't guarantee this. Just make sure you don't provide anything beyond your email address or telephone number (both of which can easily block specific people from continuing to contact you against your wishes).


Q: How do we edit our resume?

A: First, make sure you are logged in with your username and password. You will see your username in the very left hand column of the page. Under your username, you will see a link that says "My Listings". Click on that link and it will bring up your resume (and the ability to edit it).


Q: There are other job posting sites we can visit. Why

A: Because all of our jobs are for couples! We maintain the largest one-source job bank with jobs specifically for couples. You could spend time other sites, but if you want a "job for two" why not go to the best source? After spending hours sifting through traditional job sites, we think you will see the value in a site that EVERY JOB is suitable for a couple.


Q: I know it's only $9.95 per month for a paid subscription, but we are flat broke. What do you have for us?

A: We understand completely. Even if you cannot afford the 26 to 33 cents per day to be a paid subscriber, you can still fully access all of the job listings with our free subscription program. You'll just see Google ads, you won't be able to include your resume(s) in our online database for proactive employers to find you there, you won't be able to set up customizable daily job email alerts, etc. 


Q: There are tons of jobs posted on the internet. Why don't I just surf the web for couples jobs?

A: Again, we already maintain the largest source of jobs specifically for couples.  We post thousands of jobs per year. How much is your time worth? We also have jobs that you will only find on our site.


Q: How soon after I subscribe to the free email updates will I start receiving the newest jobs by email?

A: Normally you will start receiving the email updates within a day or two.


Q: I see that I can browse jobs. Why shouldn't I just come back and check your website periodically for new jobs?

A: You can! However, if you are a paid subscriber and you subscribe to the email updates you will receive a customizable daily update via email that will prevent you from having to keep checking for new positions. This is for people who feel that the daily delivery of all the newest jobs is a better system.


Q: Can I get updates on Facebook?

A: You can now!  We have a page on Facebook (like and follow the page!). 


Q: What type of applicants are employers normally looking for?

A: All kinds! Of course the traditional husband/wife teams, but also parent/child, friend/friend, significant others. The most important aspect is a good fit. Don't be shy about applying for positions you feel you are qualified for.


Q: Where can we expect the positions to be located geographically?

A: Anywhere in the world. Eventually you will see positions from every continent (well‚ maybe not Antarctica!). You might be inclined to take a job in the sunny Caribbean, or you may even apply for a job that doesn't require you to even relocate. One thing we should point out though. As a US-based organization the majority of the listings on are in North America. Thus if you are not looking for work here, although you will find jobs from other parts of the world, the numbers will be lower.


Q: I am applying for a job in another country. How do I know what the visa/passport requirements will be?

A: That is a question for the employer to answer, as every country has it's own laws and rules.


Q: I posted a resume on your website. Where is it?

A: All resumes first go into a moderation queue for review prior to publishing, so your resume may not appear immediately. It will appear within 24 hours, however. You can locate your resume while logged in by clicking on the "My Account" link in the left column, then clicking the "Resumes" tab/link. You may have to look in each tab if you don't know the current status of your resume (Drafts, Pending, Active or Archived).


Q: Wha are archived listings?

A: We maintain an expired listings section in order to provide you with a broader view of the types of jobs that become available on our site over time. Obviously job openings are temporary. New listings get published every day, and every day other listings expire. If you were to only see todays' listings you would have no idea of the types of jobs that would get posted over time. We can't predict the future openings, so we show you (a prospective subscriber) the openings that have expired. . To review your subscription options, please visit our site and click the “Job Seekers > Join" link at the top of any page.


Q: We subscribed, but don't seem to have access. What's wrong?

A: This normally occurs for one of two reasons. First - when you subscribe with one username and try to access the site with a different username. If you have any trouble logging in as a subscriber, just drop us an email with the details and we will get you the proper access (usually within an hour or two).The other issue is confusion between free subscriptions and paid subscriptions. To see the differences, go here:


Q: Ok, we know we are paid subscribers and we are logged in correctly but we still can't see the contact information. Now what?

A: If you are logged in correctly but still cannot view the employer contact information, you will probably need to clear your browser cache. Browsers will "cache" pages to save time if you go back to visit the same page again later. So when you visited a job page and you weren't yet a subscriber (and couldn't access the employer contact information), your browser took a snapshot of that page. Now that you are a subscriber and you re-visit that page, your browser is serving up the old snapshot they took from before. If you clear your browser cache, the correct page will appear. (Every browser is different - if you need help clearing your browser cache, just google "how to clear browser cache" and add whatever browser you use to the search).


Q: What contact information will be provided to us when we subscribe?

A: That's totally up to the employer that posts the job opening. It could be a phone number, fax number, email address, website, or postal address. It could also be any combination of these things. Whatever method(s) of contact the employer provides, that is what we will pass on to you.

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